Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Highlights of the Farewell Talk, September 11, 2016

Thanks to all of the family who traveled to help us celebrate.


  • Legend tells of a Joke that will make your hair fall off. Apparently Bishop has only heard half of it. Brother Sanborn will fill you in later.
  • Not a fan of long talks, I apologize for the briefness.
  • I am speaking on Service.
  • Whenever you do something, do it with a smile.
  • What is service? In the April General Conference of 2009, Dallin H Oaks spoke on Unselfish service, which is not just volunteering, or performing some form of labor for someone else. Unselfish service comes through the reason why you chose to help. It is not for personal gain, it’s not so you can maintain the image of looking like a good person. It’s done out of Love, Charity, and unwavering faith. In Matthew 16:25 it states:  25 For whosoever will save HIS life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for MY sake shall find it. Whatever you do, you do it with a purpose, and smile.
  • Continuing with Elder Oaks’ talk, It was difficult to find him mentioning service and not including the term Sacrifice. It’s a given, true unselfish service requires some form of personal sacrifice. For instance, church leaders and teachers may give up opportunities of personal gain in order to fulfill their calling. Work hours may be given up, and at times, they may sacrifice precious time with their own families in order to reach their hand out to those who are in need.
  • A mission is full of sacrifices, for the next 2 years I will be sacrificing my ability to grow my hair out to a beautiful mane, go rock climbing, Rappel, and constantly harass bishop. I will also be sacrificing Social Media, 3 AM runs to Taco Bell, driving, Time with friends, time with the family, Mom’s cooking, and the English language. It’s not supposed to be easy, it’s not a vacation. This is an opportunity for growth, maturity, and unselfish service.
  • Although it has not been easy to give up personal priorities and desires, It would have been much harder to give up an opportunity to serve, and love my fellow sons and daughters of God. I have never felt more peace, joy, and overall gratitude, then the times that I am serving my fellow man.
  • In our most recent General Conference in April, Bishop W. Christopher Waddell stated, The peace we all seek requires us to act - by learning of Jesus Christ, by listening to His words, and by walking with Him.”
  • Service is an act of doing, it’s not something you simply talk about. My favorite scripture is Mosiah 4:9-10 which reads: Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.
  • Service requires humility, you can’t expect the blessings of service and expect that you will make an impact on someone when expressing pride. Whenever President Spencer W. Kimball would start meetings with the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, he would open with one hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour”, In a room of spiritual giants, men who were called to lead the masses, humility reigns king.
  • Pro tip. When someone gives you an opportunity to do something hard, and WAY out of your comfort zone, I would advise you to take it. I will admit that at one point I questioned whether I wanted to serve a mission or not. I’ve had friends and family who chose not to serve missions and they have still turned out to be wonderful loving people who faithfully live the standards of the church. Remember a mission is highly recommended, especially to those who are worthy and physically able but not required. The big turning point for me was when this grumpy police officer asked if myself, and the other young men, wanted to walk around the backcountry of Yosemite for a little while. I was physically and emotionally challenged, but I saw the ultimate beauty of the Earth, and began to understand how simple our lives can be. I felt the spirit, and relied on it, heavily. I had a lot of time with my own thoughts, and due to lack of distraction, I was able to think clearly about what I personally wanted to do with the rest of my mortal life on this Earth. But the big thought that I could not get out of my mind, was the decision to serve a mission, and how much more beneficial it would be for not only myself, but the life of others, and how it outweighed continuing on without that experience.
  • I’ve been asked by leaders, family, and my peers on why I choose to do this. Why I choose to leave all the comforts of home. Here’s why, This church and it’s teachings have brought me joy, a sense of purpose, I’ve met wonderful, supportive, and overall loving people who have taught me the skills and lessons I utilize nearly everyday. I’ve learned to love, I’ve learned to push myself, build myself, and most importantly, I’ve learned to serve, and help build others. And I feel it would be selfish of me to give up an opportunity to share these opportunities with others.
  • I don’t know what lies in store for me in the next 2 years, I don’t know exactly what life will be like in Japan, but what I do know is there are people waiting for the opportunities this church has to offer, and that this is my calling to go out and bring that opportunity to them.
  • When sending me emails, don’t update me with what’s happening on this side of the world, don’t send me your complaints. Send me your testimony, share scriptures and the feelings you had, share positive experiences and what you did to make someone else happy. Tell me what you’ve done to become a better Son or Daughter of God. I don’t want to be distracted by the social issues of the modern world.
  • All I ask, is that you allow me to get lost in the work.

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