Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 11 in Japan: 19. Like an adult, but still a teenager.

What is up guys and gals!? For starters I'm officially 19, which is weird to think about considering I still have the maturity of a 12 year old. Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. My parents sent me an awesome package packed with all sorts of goodies and probably the world’s most comfortable pajamas. Sadly I decided to share the jar of Nutella I received. It didn't make it through the week.   

So we had another dinner with our beloved Punk Rock Grandma, her name is Sister Misau and she is still just as funny as before. She likes to talk a lot, and by a lot, I mean she doesn't stop talking unless she's taking a breath. That night she talked to us about when she went to Europe and ate lots of different cheeses. She enjoys Manchego but fresh Parmesan from Northern Italy is where it's at. It was so funny.

In other news, we've had an investigator we've been working with for the past few weeks or so and he finally made it to church this week!  It was his first time so it was a bit overwhelming for him, mainly because he wants to learn EVERTHING. He kind of faced the reality that, well, there's a lot to learn. But he's so stoked about Sundays now, the ward here made friends with him so quickly. He's a pretty quiet guy who likes to take a lot of time to think, but the ward members here are probably some of the coolest people on the planet.

We also picked up another investigator recently while going around this giant park. He's coming to church next week and he's already pretty excited about it. He's a bit of an older guy, but he loves Harley Davidson motorcycles, wears leather jackets, has a big ole beard, and a prosthetic leg. Also 100% Japanese. We'll probably meet up for sukiyaki sometime this week.   

We watched the missionary broadcast and found out that our schedules will vary depending on the mission and local circumstances, instead of the same worldwide schedule. Our Mission President makes the final decision on that so we have yet to figure out what our new schedule is. The other big change was our statistic reporting. Instead of 9 indicators we only have 4. I'm so pumped.   

We went on splits with our Zone Leaders this past week which was an absolute blast, one of our ZL's is from Mexico so him and I went crazy on the "Abuelita" my mother sent me. His name is Elder Magaña and we've made plans to party in Vegas after I get home. He's been out for exactly one year more than me. I'm stoked. Apparently his parents moved to Cancun and he's planning on letting me stay with him and his  family for my 21st birthday. I'd love to say I'm joking but if there's one thing about Elder Magaña, is that he doesn't play around. The man wants to party.

Finally a bit of sad news. Transfer emails are this week. Elder Sakae has been in Machida for a while now and is more than likely transferring since he's also done training me. There's also a very high chance that my next companion won't be native Japanese which will be really weird. I kind of don't like the sound of it, but whatever is best I guess. It's been the best 12 weeks of my life; I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now. At first it was pretty up and down since we weren't really used to each other, but because of him I fell in love with the language, the culture, and everything in between. I also learned that happiness is based on a set of attitudes, rather than a set of circumstances. You can whine about your surroundings all you want, the only thing that will make a difference, is the way you think. Thoughts become actions, so why not think positively.   

Sorry for the long one today, we had some extra time to email, but Elder Sakae is talking mad trash right now so I'm gonna go thrash him in a game of ping pong.   
Don't forget to love one another,  カフ長老   

Also I slacked off on the pictures again. So here's some last minute photos from a giant hobby shop and a mini stop we went to before I sent this.

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