Monday, June 26, 2017

Viva la Vida Loca: Week 32 in Japan

So fun fact about Kofu; its super Japanese. You can see Fuji from just about anywhere, there's an old castle, a bunch of stuff about ninjas and samurais, ancient shrines every other block, and a lot of Hispanic people. No you didn't read that wrong. There's an area on the south side of the city that we call "The Spanish Lands" where we've been working a lot and it's amazing. It's on the south side, but we live on the north side so it's about 45min. to an hour to get there by bike but most of the ride is through a bunch of rice fields and it's just super green. The area looks kind of ghetto but the people there are so nice and are stoked to meet with us.

Our usual ride home from the Spanish Lands

Our main main, Hiroki (Investigator)

One guy we're meeting with this upcoming week was originally from the favelas in São Paulo, Brazil. But his Mom was Japanese so he speaks both Japanese and Portuguese. Anyway he said he wants the best for his family and wants to turn away from his past life. But he's honestly one of the nicest guys ever though and has expressed that he's very excited to meet with us. I seriously love this area so much.

Also in this area we have a bunch of these things called 足湯 (Ashiyu), which are basically Jacuzzis for your feet. They're out in public like at parks and we decided to do our studies today at one. Well they're public and this old guy in his 60's came to the one we're at and started talking to us. (This was literally a few hours ago) While him and I were having a wonderful conversation on how a few foreigners who speak Japanese ended up at a mountain foot bath, he put his hands up on the table there and I looked at his hand. He was missing his left pinky. He saw me notice his hand and asked me if I knew what it meant. Turns out this guy was Yakuza. But hey, he was a really funny guy who really respects what we do as missionaries and hopes the best for us. He said he's down to come to learn English, but he might be "busy" on Wednesday nights.

As usual, more good things to come.


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