Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 8 at the MTC

Nishimiya 長老 (left) (Nishimaya 長老 is the elder mentioned in the previous letter that knows other family members) Yoshizawa 長老 (right) and a teacher, she's not my teacher but she's very nice. 

The nihongen sisters after we helped them clean their room on Halloween. 

Thanks for the shoe bags, and by shoe bags, I mean hats. We started a gang. 
This last week at The MTC is extremely relaxed, our schedule hasn't really changed, it's just that we're so used to it that everything is taking less effort. Chab 長老 and I taught 3 lessons in one day, it was awesome! The Japanese is going really well, I still joke around with The Nihongen. They're so awesome, it still upsets me that we only had 3 weeks to party, but I know for a fact I'll see both of them again. Especially Nishimiya 長老, I'll be going back to Tokyo, plus his bishop
is Asuka's Dad. We'll hang out again. Hopefully my Japanese will be better by that time.

Daylight savings was weird, technically we got an extra hour of sleep and I usually wake up at 6:15ish if we're not working out, but I was up by about 5:30... I've turned into my mother. I've lost any ability to sleep in. If it's 6:15 I am awake. And I am definitely not going back down. I wasn't much of a morning person but that's sure changed,
and it is sweet.

I've loved my time at The MTC, but after 9 weeks it just starts to get boring. Japan is going to be absolutely wild, plus I won't be in a bubble so that'll be weird, but at the same time it seems pretty nice. I think the hardest part will be saying goodbye to the people in my zone. After a couple months of living together we've become a little
family. It'll be weird not seeing them everyday. I'll also miss having stellar games of beach volleyball on a daily basis. That won't be happening anymore... it's alright though, I've reenacted the
volleyball scene from Top Gun already. I've fulfilled my purpose.

There was one particular moment this past week that still amazes me. We get together for a zone prayer before bed, and while waiting for
everyone, one of the elders was eating Swedish fish with chopsticks. With everyone present, we watched dear Elder Snyder toss a Swedish
Fish in the air, bounce it off of the ceiling, and catch the Swedish fish with his chopsticks. Ralph Machio, eat your heart out.

Cuff 長老

Elder Cuff flies out to Japan on Monday, November 14th. With the time change, he arrives in Japan Tuesday night. Since his P-day in Japan will be on Mondays, we won't have another letter from him until the 21st. 

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