Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hey, Friends & Family: Week 92 in Japan

This week had a lot of good things happen, but I'm not feeling too great right now so I'm going to keep this a bit shorter with a list of things that happened.

-Did family home evening with the Hayashi family, had a great time, their son is the cutest!

-Went on splits with Elder Otsuka. He's an awesome humble guy filled with lots of love. A great example I can look up to.

-Ate lunch with the Kousaka family. It was amazing and we were able to teach about prayer to Brother Kousaka who isn't a member. He's such a fun guy.

-Played futsal with a bunch of members. I'm really tired from that.

- Ate yakiniku.

That's pretty much been it. We got transfer calls and Elder Reid and I are staying together. It's going to be a blast! We are hoping to accomplish some good things that are growing along the way. Good things to come!

-Elder Cuff

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