Sunday, November 12, 2017

Congo Line: Week 51 in Japan

For starters Halloween happened! It's not really a thing here in Japan but some members and investigators gave us candy so no worries. Thanks for the letter Grandma and Grandpa! Yes I was a missionary for Halloween! I went the whole nine yards, slacks, white shirt, tag, even all the way down to the dress socks. Really proud of my outfit this year.

Our good friend Yamaguchi-San who doesn't street drift is getting baptized! He wants to take things at a bit of a slower pace since he doesn't know anything about even general Christianity but he really wants to discover more and has a wonderful heart. He's already gotten into praying daily, morning and night, and he LOVES IT. Such a fun guy.

We can use this app called Line now which is a messenger app that EVERYONE in Japan uses and it's made contacting people soooOoOOoo
easy. Literally everyone responds.

Cool thing. Our Ward Mission Leader busted up his hand pretty bad at work. So of course we were all like, "oh wow that really sucks". But for some reason his response really got to me. He said, "yea it hurts, but at least it was just my hand." It just got me thinking about how many little things we as humans use to complain about and make excuses from. Sometimes I think that we really get caught up in the negative and make things seem like their a bigger deal than they are. I don't know, just something that made me really look for a positive end in even the smallest of mishaps. One thing I remember President Hinckley talking about was having a sense of humor and learning to laugh. Even if it's at yourself. Something I felt I'd share.

Much Love,
Elder Cuff

We went to an old castle ruins tucked up in the hills. Got burned down by a bunch of Samurai about a hundred years ago. Really dark and detailed history as to what happened but hey it was a pretty looking place!

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