Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Week 13 in Japan: Starsky & Hutch?

Guys, we biked through a BAMBOO FOREST to visit a 
member. Guess what was at the end of the bamboo forest?
 Why, a Shrine of course. 

So first the big news: I am now in the amazing land of Fujisawa and my new companion is Elder Poff, he loves to work hard, he's from Beaverton Oregon, he's hilarious, loves to party, and I'm so excited to work with him. All right, got that out of the way.
The Zone, Myself and Poff 長老 tried to look like 
Starsky and Hutch, but I think we did it better.

For starters, Fujisawa is a lot prettier than Machida. Machida was a very downtownish area with lots of big towers and was constantly busy. Plus lots of hills. Fujisawa is pretty flat, but a lot more green, a bit rural, and the people here are much less busy! Plus we can see Mt.  Fuji from this part of town.

I got here Thursday and we already had a lesson on Friday. This particular investigator is a super happy guy who loves American football. You read that correctly, he follows The NFL and college football; his favorite team is the Arizona Cardinals.  But it was his first lesson and he's so excited to learn. We've got some other people we're working with and its been keeping us busy.

The ward here is absolutely amazing. They're really excited about the fact that I'm from Vegas, and they're such a relaxed, down to Earth, group of people. I can't blame them though, most of them live by the beach. 

We got to play soccer at this really nice indoor facility that was on the 7th(?) floor of this building in downtown Ebina. It was sweet, I’m sorry I don't have a picture of the view, but one side of the place was all windows so you could see all the way to downtown Tokyo while playing soccer. There are a lot of Brazilian people in Japan and the event was specific for some of them to come together and just have fun. It was so legit.

I'm seriously so stoked for this transfer. We’ve got people to teach, the ward is absolutely legendary, I'm comfortable with the language, and the dudes I live with are a bunch of clowns.  I'm surrounded by blessings, I can't complain. The people, the culture, the food, the work, I'm madly in love with it all. In all honesty, I'm living the dream.
Conveyor Belt Sushi feat. Elder Dowdle. This place is 
a 5 min walk from our apartment and each delectable 
plate of sushi is $1. We ate a lot. 

Thanks for all the love and support, just know I love each and every one of you individually, you’re awesome!  

Party hard or hardly party, 


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