Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 16 in Japan, Part 3!

And sometimes you get even more blessed and get a 3rd email! Keep in mind he was answering some of my questions.

Well personally I'm doing absolutely dandy. The big thing that I've personally been learning is trying to build a more Christ like Character, specifically Patience. I know you've expressed that I've been good to be patient with things in the past, but it was different. I may not have outwardly expressed a lot of frustration or impatience, but I kind of just internalized it and sucked it up. But one thing I read out of The Teachings of David O. McKay Ch. 23 really helped with gaining a lot more control mentally and emotionally as I start to transition from being a teenager into adulthood.   

First, change of mindset  "No principle of life was more constantly emphasized by the Great Teacher than the necessity of right thinking. To Him, the man was not what he appeared to be outwardly, nor what he professed to be by his words: what the man thought determined in all cases what the man was.  No teacher emphasized more strongly than He the truth that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.

Second, find purpose in the little things  "Life, after all, is made up of little things. Our life, our being, physically, is made up of little heartbeats. Let that little heart stop beating, and life in this world ceases."   

Third, pursue self-conquest  "Self-control means the government and regulation of all our natural appetites, desires, passions, and affections; and there is nothing that gives a man such strength of character as the sense of self-conquest, the realization that he can make his appetites and passions serve him and that he is not a servant to them. This virtue includes temperance, abstinence, bravery, fortitude, hopefulness, sobriety, chastity, independence, tolerance, patience, submission, continence, purity."   

Also we are going to Yokohama for sightseeing and there's a legit Mexican Restaurant that Elder Magaña has been dying to go too. But I’m not gonna spoil to details as to what we're going to check out over there, guess you'll just have to wait until next weeks email ;)   

Not much of new food, I've kind of had a taste of almost every raw sea creature, I am hoping to try some Fugu, or puffer fish, in the future though. Haven't really looked for a place. Also I heard there are some places where you can have live octopus, like you've gotta fight it down your throat cause it'll try to latch to your face. I'll send a video if I ever get the chance. But everything's so delicious; I have yet to gag since hitting Japan! So that's cool! Trust me on this one; I don't think I'll be very picky when I come home.

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