Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 17 in Japan: Slackers

So it's been another wild week in Tokyo. We had Zone meeting and training with President and Sister Warnick this week, which really took a chunk out of the time, we usually spend finding people. *Sad Face*. On the upside, word has gotten out around the mission about The Free English Challenge we've been doing. I'm excited to see how it works out for all the other awesome missionaries I get to work with. I already know that they'll improve it in ways I couldn't think of. 

As far as exciting things that have happened this week, there's a ton. I'll be keeping it short though. So for starters, we've been asked by our Mission President to do at least 1 hour of community service every week other than English class. So Elder Poff and I ended up at city hall and got set up with this sweet volunteer center up in Chogo, which is near where we live! City hall is in the city of Fujisawa, so we decided to have dinner at this cool little burger shop in the station. Afterwards we decided to treat ourselves to Baskin Robins. Due to the season, they had Sakura flavored ice cream, and man, that stuff was delicious.

Lots of pictures this week!

The Art Museum, Elder Poff didn't appreciate me getting in the picture...

Downtown Fujisawa




Ghibli Shop


While streeting around a park, we came across a man slacklining. He didn't have much interest in The Gospel, but he was quite surprised to find another person who could slackline and enjoyed hanging out with us!

Sunday we had family home evening with a family in the ward who have been struggling recently. A lot of people have some pretty intense work schedules here and it's been causing them a decent amount of stress. We dropped by for a small family home evening with them. Elder Poff knows how to play the Ukulele so we borrowed one from a member and brought it with. We played and sang some songs, taught them the art of the Tim Tam Slam and gave them some Tim Tams and hot chocolate, and shared a message about Faith. 

After that night I was instantly reminded of why I became a missionary. When we walked in the door we saw a young family who seemed lost, hurt, and just plain out tired. When we left we saw a Mother, Father, and a son with big smiles, laughing uncontrollably, and a bright new hope in their eyes. I can't express in word the love that I have for them. They told us that they know we were sent to them for a reason, and how grateful they were for us coming over. What they don't know is I believe they were sent to us. Life gets rough sometimes, but I know we are never alone through it all. I'm not a be very smart person, but one thing I do know is our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us individually. We blessed everyday single day in a variety of ways, all you have to do is recognize them. 

I love you all. Ganbaroo


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