Sunday, June 11, 2017

Week 30 in Japan: Boondocks

Last meal appointment of Fujisawa with the Nemoto and Fujiwara families

Well. I got transferred. In fact I got transferred to the farthest area in our mission. Kofu. It's a small mountain town over by Mt. Fuji and I'm so stoked to go there. It's really bitter sweet because I'm excited about the new area, but I was begging to stay in Fujisawa for one more transfer. The area had been in a big phase finding phase this past transfer where we've cleaned out area Book and we have just barely transitioned into a big teaching phase. I'm pretty sure I've taught more lessons in these past 2 weeks than I've taught in my entire mission. But I know I'm needed somewhere else, so no worries.
New experiences, new people, and new friends.

I know the map is blurry. Kofu Ward is the large purple area of the Machida Japan Stake.

We had a really funny experience this past week, we have a less active member we've been working with and we usually go hang out with him at his apartment twice a week and go out to eat every once in a while. He's still such a solid member with a great testimony, but he's got a crazy work schedule so coming to church has been a bit difficult. But the past few times we've gone over he's just been chilling in a t-shirt and some really short briefs. We just figured he'd gotten really comfortable with us and it didn't faze us too much. But this last time he's chilling there in his briefs, and in the middle of our deep discussion about Faith, he notices a pair of sweatpants on the floor.
He looks down at his bare legs and suddenly freaks out. I think that's the first time I've ever heard, " I'm not wearing any pants." in Japanese. He hurried and grab the pants and was putting them on, all the while freaking out, jumping up and down, and telling us, " I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" And, "Don't look! Don't look!" He then sat back down after getting dressed and apologized for interrupting the discussion; all the while Elder Harrison and I were sprawled out on the floor, in tears laughing.

Thanks for everything!

Elder Cuff

The Majima family and their exchange student Caleb

Sweet view of some rice fields while biking to visit a member.

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