Sunday, July 2, 2017

Children of the Corn: Week 33 in Japan

This has probably been the fastest week of my mission so far. Last week we had a lot of success finding, which meant this week was all teaching lessons. I love teaching so much, just being able to sit down and share this joy with others has been such a blessing. I'll probably say it a million more times, but being a missionary is the best.

We had a wonderful opportunity to help out a member his week in her corn field. The rice isn't quite ready yet but we'll probably help her
with that too when the season comes around. Anyways we spent the day cleaning up her corn field and throwing corn husks to each other like
footballs while we worked in the field. Japan has a lot of big bugs and frogs so we had a lot of fun chasing those around too. Afterwards she drove out to her orchard and brought us back a bunch of fresh picked peaches and Sumomo's, which are super sweet Japanese plums. They were soooo good and she gave us a bunch to take home. The sister missionaries made this incredibly good jam out of the extra plums and
now our fridge is filled with a bunch of peaches and corn.

We had a day where we had a lesson and a meal appointment right after the other which is pretty common, except the lesson has on the
southern side of town and then the meal appointment was on the west side of town. We ended biking this huge triangle around the majority of Kofu. After getting back to our apartment we mapped it out and it turns out that biked 26 miles that day. Besides the sweat it wasn't too bad, Japan's really pretty and I've been trying to cut down on some weight anyway.

The last meal appointment was on the outskirts of our entire mission boundaries. We could've walked over to the Nagoya mission. It was on
the north western end of our area in place called Kobuchizawa which is tucked way up into the mountains. The clouds were low that day so it looked like a scene from your classic Kung fu movie. The place overall had a really relaxed vibe to it and I would not mind living there.

Stay sweet,
Elder Cuff

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