Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pants are overrated! Week 64 in Japan

Alright transfers happened and... I'm staying in Takao! Everyone was surprised. Elder Call only got to be here for 1 transfer before getting sent out to Kawasaki. My new companion is Elder Duke, he's from Hawaii.

Alright so some updates from this past week. We haven't been able to make any contact with our buddy Yamaguchi San. His garage is still caved in but the man has suddenly gone completely off the radar. Last thing we heard from him is he just wanted to escape the world and has decided to go into hibernation. So this will be interesting.

We recently had some solid lessons with our man Hashimoto San. He's a college student studying international trade and economics. We had an awesome lesson last time around and he accepted the invitation to be baptized! We're pretty excited for him, he's been progressing like crazy. After the lesson we went out for lunch and he introduced us to this cheap donburi restaurant. Good time had by all.

There's a college up the street from our church with a rugby team. Some of the team members are from New Zealand and Australia and are here on scholarship and I've been able to stay in contact with them. They all have Christian backgrounds and really enjoy just hanging out, but aren't too big on actually keeping commitments and following through when they say they'll come to church. But just yesterday one of them calls me out of nowhere and said they had a new team member from Australia who's a church member. He showed up for church, and just got to Japan 3 weeks ago. We're hoping to be working with him in regards of the rugby team and I might be joining in on a few morning practices with them. Also he doesn't speak much Japanese (although he's pretty good for only 3 weeks) so I now get to translate church for the rest of the transfer. My brain is gonna be fried by the end of this. But hey, can't be too upset about another service opportunity.

Last thing is a fun story. Throughout my mission I've had multiple occasions where someone answers their door without any pants on, and at one point nothing on. They're usually really awkward and I'm still trying to figure out why this consistently happens, but this time was a bit different. So a guy answers the door and despite his uncomfortably tight undies we just continued to talk with him. Turns out he's Chinese and is studying abroad but speaks fluent Chinese, Japanese, a  thought God exists. He kind've stopped for a second, scratched the back of his barren thighs, and said he's never really thought about it before. We got to testify to him about a loving Heavenly Father and it was solid to see his attitude change. We
talked a bit more and now we're teaching a guy named Qing (pronounced Ching). We're really excited for him, also he offered to teach us some Mandarin. Despite being in Japan I've come to really love Chinese people while out here.

But all things are all good in the hood. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes last week. The works been moving along and the food is still out of this world. Stay safe and party on.

Elder Cuff

Sorry I don't have any pictures from this week. But here's one from when we got ice cream about a month ago.

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